14 ways to Support Earth & YouWhen was the last time you were called to action?Valentines Day. February 14th. The Moon is rising and we're preparing to sauna outside in the dark. My dearest friend was suddenly killed today. Yes, big sigh. Still. It happened years ago, and yet... So now it's like a full cup of 100% super bitter Ceremonial Cacao these days. Life will deliver it with no additions to temper the taste and yet every single morsel supports growth and love. We may sigh. We may cough a little. We can learn to work with the intensity of it. We can even get really good at it. Each time this day rolls around I feel her so very close and shake off a bit more of the tragic trauma that called me to action back then, leaning on skills and strength I hadn't yet known I had. Her soul was as confused and stunned as mine and yet we worked it through as we guided each other like sisters do. She guided my actions for weeks and months to follow in tending to her two babies, then 8 months and 3 years old, who survived the accident she did not. I left my marriage 4 months after her death with my two babies clinging to me. Like any death, it was time. When the going seems really tough there's magic afoot in the form of service, connection, healing, and giving. We have choice. What did you choose the last time you were called to action? Did you crumble and collapse? Spiral out and fall down the rabbit hole? Sit for a while? Or hide? This happens. Honesty and compassion for how we roll is a radical and refreshing thing. And maybe you rocked it? We get to receive more because it's life. What will you choose and how will you roll next time? So what's the language you love today when we turn our heart and focus to Earth for healing, inspiration, and service? It's a give and take thing. Earth is a holy being. A divine one that is healer. A compassionate one we can sit with in our darkest of times. A supportive one with sudden death where all are held as one leaves between breaths in a blink. A nurturing one supporting the slow unfurl to the truth of being held and accountable to a larger unfolding because we are part of it all and belong. Comfort will not rule your day or time with Earth, but is can sometimes and damn it is so glorious when this happens! In feeling into the love I have for a sister who shaped my path long ago while she prepared to go, I made a spontaneous group of service actions that feed heart and Earth. Add. Edit. Make it yours. Pick one thing and do it well. At least try. We can only ensure failing if we don't try. Enjoy - Hand to Heart & May Your Weekend Be Blessed, Jen 1. Grow Plants. Support Growers of Plants. Well ya knew I had to start here! Grow what you can. Agree to fail in order to learn sometimes and jump ecstatically when you succeed. Learn about soil. Start seeds. Root your own clippings. Pick one thing and try. Support CSA farms for your local and not-so-local food, seeds, and medicine plants. Check out this SEED CSA class or Permaculture Course here: Indigenous Seed Sovereignty. Make it part of you and your political + existence fabric that requires the needs of plants be woven into all you care about as a priority for your daily life. We have a few old shrubs and trees dying here that are sterile and ornamental. This kind of planting is something that was a trend long ago, and still is by some. We're choosing to create chemical free edible landscapes that feed us, the bees, birds, animals and plants, elements, and ultimately Earth through small-scale bio-diverse ecosystems. So we give a good death, honor, and invite change to who is here. 2. Sit with Trees. Follow TreeSisters. Become a Member. I'm a Water Carrier TreeSister and I've been in relationship with these women for about 6 years now. The replanting of green corridors where clear cutting has devastated the tropical rain forests is so very close to my heart. TreeSisters funds the work of local communities in the devastated areas to seed, tend, and replant the trees they need to restore the land and keep the ecosystem alive. This supports Earth. And all of us. Some have said to me, "But my neighbor needs help too so why give to this?" and my response is give the same and give to two causes so you make ripples locally and globally. The embodiment of being a restorative species of human that thrives is our focus. I choose to support they're global work and donate from all income through ElderMoon. Even when it was 5-9$/month and my business was a baby, I made it a priority. Each year I increase our giving to the trees as we grow with this organization. You're already doing this if you've taken a class, had a consult, acquired a tincture or used our cream. Thank you. Link here: TreeSisters classes and Monthly Moon Calls. 3. Learn This Indigenous Water Song & Sing to Water Daily. Water is Life. How will you connect with the waters that feed your life? How will you exchange your internal waters daily to feed your healing and evolution? Hydrotherapy, sweats, and drinking are considerations, but will you grieve and move the old tears petrified in your heart? Sit with water and sing and watch how gorgeous help comes your way to defrosting that which holds you bound-up and petrified. Make it a private practice to sing to water. Link Here: 'The WATER SONG'. Play it in the car and SING loud until you got it. I'm walking with you on this one! 4. Connecting to Earth- Re-calibrating Your Resonance The Earth has the equivalent of a heartbeat, which is a measurable frequency called the Schumann Resonance. Consider this deeply as things are measurably changing for us. First, all life on Earth is calibrated to the frequency of the planet. Everything from our brain waves and biorhythms to our states of consciousness are directly correlated to the Earth’s frequencies. Second, the Schumann Resonance has been steady at 7.83Hz until three years ago when it began to accelerate to somewhere in the 15 to 25Hz levels. Less than one month ago, on January 31, the Schumann Resonance had reached frequencies of 36+ for the first time in recorded history. This is a big deal. The Earth is rapidly shifting in vibration. What this means for us is that since 2014 we are all being exposed to and required to calibrate to these accelerated planetary frequencies if we want to evolve and live with the new Earth. Scientists tell us that not only is the frequency of Earth accelerating, but changes are also in process in the sun and entire solar system. So now what? How do we "do this" re-calibration? What if nature scares me? And how does this help Earth? Get outside. (Say it again.) Take off your sunglasses sometimes so natural light can enter your brain and pineal gland to re-calibrate your body. Lay on Earth. Moon gaze and track the phases and how you feel within them. Hike in forests, meadows, and mountains, and swim in oceans and streams 'just because' with no other agenda than 'I'm re-calibrating my system'. Google 528hertz music and listen often. We can be our most authentic powerful expression when we upgrade regularly yet honor where we've been. To look back, to honor, while we move forward is the pace. 5. Make Hawthorn-Rosehip-Ginger Jam & Eat Daily Until Gone Feeding your heart can be this simple and delicious. Make a batch and take 2 tablespoons daily in yogurt, oatmeal, on toast, with goat or cream cheese, tucked into pastries and biscuits. Make a double batch and give to a friend. Hawthorn-Rose Hip Ginger Jam INGREDIENTS:
1. Boil Hawthorn Berries for 1 hour at the lowest simmer, covered. Turn off and allow to it for 1-4 hour covered. Strain and keep liquid, compost solids. 2. Return liquid to a simmer and pour over the Rose Hips in a bowl you can also cover and let sit for ½ hour. Place in the blender and reserve a small amount of liquid to thin as needed. Add all other ingredients and blend. This is like pudding and thick so add very small amounts of liquid just enough to keep the blender able to work. 3. Strain, or push through a sieve – not too fine – just to catch any stray seeds. 4. To Use: 1-2 TB/day is therapeutic for the heart. Stir into plain yogurt or use any way you use jam. Yield 2 ½ cups – store in refrigerator and use up. You can make larger batches but freeze some for it will keep about 2 weeks in the frig thanks to the lemon, honey and ginger which are good for the heart and have preservative properties. 6. Start Your Home Apothecary - Keep Your Medicines Close Whether you have one already, never considered this for yourself, or have a deep want for one, do it. Dedicate a small space, like a cabinet or book shelf and just start. If it's a mess and growing then sit there and envision the next step on how the space will flow as an extension of Earth in your home. Make it functional. entice beauty, and maybe take a class to get your toes wet or do a full body plunge. Here at ElderMoon are several options for you: Our Birthing an Herbalist course is a bigger beautiful commitment but the Plant Diets and Monthly Herbal Councils can be great for giving little tastes with big returns as things evolve for you around turning to Earth first for healing and treatments. Tending your apothecary will teach you. Small steps. Say yes. 7. A Simple Read: Reflections From A Hopi Elder While this has been circulating for a while, the heart needs constant circulation of goodness to nourish it. Let's read it again. “You have been telling the people that this is the eleventh hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the hour. And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leaders. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Aho. Sweet Gratitude My Hopi Elder 8. What have you made with your hands lately that you gifted to Earth? I used to work with clay years ago spinning amazing gifts and harvesting from clay seams along the Esopus Creek in the mountains where I lived. Quite spontaneous the love of my hands working clay surfaced again. So I received some red clay from New Mexico though one of those friend of a friend channels and made a simple pinch pot in minutes which I'm calling my "Prayer Pot for Earth". I left my first one out near my favorite Black Birch tree filled with Roses and Prayers for Earth. It's part honoring Earth through Earth magic ways and part prep work for myself for our Plant Diet with Birch and Being an EdgeWalker in March 2020. (Join us here!) I call it "Birch's idea" (smile) for it dawned on me while I sat by the stream with this tree and watched the sun rise while it snowed and was sooo very quiet. These are the kind of places where the heart can be heard clear. So what are you making with your hands? And what can you give to Earth as a healing medicine for Earth with prayers for connection? (Psst...start with food you make if you draw a blank! Leave little plates outside or morsels tucked under bushes. Create paintings or poems and gift them privately. Make an outside garden altar. Offer tinctures or teas you made. Pilgrimage to sacred favorite local sites to deliver one flower you grew or a slice of homemade bread. What popped into your head just now? Follow it... 9. Create a Sacred Fire - Gather Friends Sit with Fire. Honor how this element feeds our heart and keeps life moving. Cyrus was burning 'things' he spontaneously knew he had to let go of one night as we sat with a Sacred Fire and Fire responded so noticeably (!) to his private heart spoken concerns as he faced his teens with all the changes of becoming a man nipping at his heels. Sitting with a candle alone and quiet can be just as potent. Beeswax candles are from Earth and made by the bees and humans working together. It's complicated, yes. We are right here now and I love to get or make my beeswax candles for moments when Earth work, medicine, and magic are called for. Travel inward to the core of Earth, The Heart of Earth, while fire gazing and bring your willingness to honor change. See how your heart feels after such an exchange and collaboration with Earth and Fire. On the practical side, support your local fire department in ways that feel heartfelt. We participate in they're fund raisers with community chicken dinners and bakes sales. Around here we may differ with politics at times but we're clear about what to do if fire comes to the land and our homes. Donate resources and prayer time to wild fire causes that help the workers, people, animals and Earth. Fire has purpose but can be hard to align with sometimes. We're in this together. How do you honor Fire as a healing force with Earth? 10. Cleaning & Clearing with Earth's Health in Mind Making our own cleaning products happened when my older boys were young and I wanted to show them cleaning skills but they almost passed out from the fumes. We stopped using chemical cleaners that very day. All we use is a homemade soft scrub I call 'Earth Paste', a vinegar spray, and liquid castile soap around here + infused oils with a little beeswax for wood cleaning. What goes down the drain goes into Earth and our water and then back into our bodies. Simple searches for recipes are numerous and fun until you find what you like. Earth Paste Soft Scrub Recipe: INGREDIENTS
To Use: Apply the amount desired to a cloth or scrub brush and apply to a dirty surface. Allow the scrub cleaner to sit for a couple of minutes. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Makes 1 1/4 cups of scrub cleaner 11. Sleep Well One of my favorite non-beeswax candles! Napping is a skill I re-learned from each of my babies and I decided not to stop with #3. I now remind Cyrus to nap when it seems he would benefit and forgets. So how does napping help Earth? We become healthier and make our best decisions when we rest enough. We need less medicine too. And I know for me I make less messes of the emotional kind! Here's one of the many super-cool facts that stay with me always from studying our anatomy & physiology. Did you know that our hearts are in a state of rest more than they work in order to work as hard as they do? Yes! This is my best way to say it. Let's follow our hearts and how they teach through how they work and make restoration a necessary thing by honoring a better rest to work ratio. How can we get to the root of the sleep troubles? Is it needing fresh air and natural light, exercise, more plant based calcium, stress management adjustments, more quality food, better water, or anti-angst skills? Name it. Make it happen. Learn about 1st and 2nd sleep cycles here as I work with my herbal students on what is needed for plants to work well as medicine. If you're sleeping 7-8 hours per night then you're sleep deprived! They have it all wrong but we can learn and change and follow what the body needs anyway. Implement changes in your way with the sleep these bodies require to be well. And for the record, let's burn better candles too. Plant based or beeswax with NO chemical-scents. Your body and Earth thank you. 12. Make & Tend an Altar for Prayer & Listening Altars are doorways to what we hold as sacred and divine. Created and tended, an altar space can inspire, ease tension and anxiety by changing our brain waves quickly with steady practice, and help us connect to a larger sense of self that knows the answers we seek and also knows how to deliver them well-timed. It can be a private practice or communal one. It's in these moments of standing before an altar that we can calm the body and mind enough to listen and speak well, on the inside, as we ask for help or pray for what is needed and desired. Make an altar for Earth. Tend it well. Consider a simple web search for how-to guides if this is new to you and find one that resonates with who you are. 13. Support Bees Thriving I guess my first thought would be to get educated. The relationship between bees, plants and our food and medicine is so intertwined. Did you know that 60% of all the medicine plants harvested go to labs making modern prescription drugs? Yes. We even need bees for the raw material to make the 'synthetics' meds. We need bees. Period. We've literally evolved around how they live and thrive and shape this world with plants. We have a few thriving hives here at ElderMoon and the gardens are noticeably stronger and healthier with the bees here. The bees are healthier with the medicine plants around too. And while swarms happen and I get sad at first, I also find joy in knowing some of our bees are going rogue and repopulating the wild. Three simple things you can do to support the bees: First, learn where your local beekeepers are and find one you like that speaks lovingly about the privilege of what they get to do with the bees. Trust your gut and support a good beekeeper who ensures the bees are happy and have overflow always. Second, stop all chemical lawn and garden care products and support chemical-free farms that think and act with biodiversity at the forefront of all they do (not mono-cropping). Yes, the great move to almond milk drinking has created bee hive collapsing due to the increase in mono-cropping of almonds here in the southwestern US. So we think we're doing one great thing but then we see how nature responds and have to learn more. Bio-diversity is the way. Third, use honey as a medicine and honor it as such with conservation in mind. 14. Cacao LOVE. Learn how to support Cacao farmers. While today 2/14 is often associated with chocolate and has been for some time, not all chocolates are great for us or Earth. It has to do with us and what we've agreed to in the name of allowing chocolate manufacturers to call the shots. The farmers have suffered. The Cacao trees have suffered. So has the quality and health benefits. And so has Earth.
But we can make new agreements. Right now. Can we agree to support the ecologically sustainable way of the Indigenous Ceremonial Cacao farming families and make this a lasting commitment. Support the farmers who are closest to Earth on this one. If a company does not share their sourcing and practices then I do not buy from them. Period. Transparency is part of my agreement. I want the trees supported and the I want the families that tend the trees supported, all in the name of supporting Earth. Will you join me on this? Link Here: HeartBlood Cacao is one company I love. Thank you. What would you add or change here for you? I'd love to hear from you. So Much Love, Jen
Jennifer Costa, Herbalist-RN, Teacher, Botanist BS, EM-CST, and Founder of ElderMoon School of Herbs & Earth MedicineCategories
January 2025