Micro-Dose Plant Diet Self-Initiation Library
at ElderMoon
As we travel along through the live micro-dose plant diets here at ElderMoon, what unfolds is a gorgeous sort of map for you to learn directly from each plant, tree, or mushroom that we walk closely with in support of your own journey and process of evolution. Connecting deeply to one at a time is an ancient way of learning. You're beautifully designed for this way of learning directly from Nature through the plants, trees, and mushroom worlds.. Thank you for dropping in.
- These self-study courses are previous SELF-INITIATION Micro-Dose Plant Diets held at ElderMoon that are available as PDFs for download and study at your own pace in our on-line sequestered healing lodge space with each medicine plant, tree, or mushroom.
- Micro-Dose Self Initiation Plant Diet Content is available within 24 hours of purchase.
- Micro-Dose Sacred Elixirs are optional and available in the ElderMoon Apothecary.
- Each PDF and on-line healing lodge space has a detailed supportive library that includes several options for how to make your own Sacred Elixir if you choose. It includes alcohol-free options too.
- I remain available during your journey through discussion areas and email for when you have questions or need support. Know that I hold the greater circle steady for you.
- 24+ page PDFs are included in the resource library and include all video, audio, written content, journeys, guided meditations, dream/shadow/soul work, 4 plant healing sessions, journal prompts, music and written word exploration, AND a medicine profile of the physical healing properties to support your evolving walk with Earth Medicine and your ever-expanding knowledge of the medicine plants laid down best through having direct relationships with them.

Micro-Dose Plant Dieting with White Sage through daily doses on a Sacred White Sage Elixir to listen deeply for your personal medicine for soul growth and healing. New medical diagnosis? Lost job? Moving? End of a relationship? These moments can stun us at first as the trajectory of our life shifts before our eyes.
There are tools and wisdom in facing the unknown for soul growth and steady pace as we navigate change. White Sage guides and refines our intention setting with a keen eye on navigating the power and necessity of entering into periods of uncertainty where the birthing of what is new gestates. White Sage teaches you self-assessment with Uncertainty Scales as you to track your angst to its root and navigate the forces of change that alter you life's trajectory towards a more evolved understanding and expression of personal purpose and path.
Conservation is key here as White Sage is also experiencing an existential crisis due to over harvesting by humans. Our elixir is made with our own grown right here in the ElderMoon gardens. White Sage is calling for connection as we move forward through The Wisdom of Uncertainty to unearth solutions together for birthing what is calling you.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with White Sage as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
There are tools and wisdom in facing the unknown for soul growth and steady pace as we navigate change. White Sage guides and refines our intention setting with a keen eye on navigating the power and necessity of entering into periods of uncertainty where the birthing of what is new gestates. White Sage teaches you self-assessment with Uncertainty Scales as you to track your angst to its root and navigate the forces of change that alter you life's trajectory towards a more evolved understanding and expression of personal purpose and path.
Conservation is key here as White Sage is also experiencing an existential crisis due to over harvesting by humans. Our elixir is made with our own grown right here in the ElderMoon gardens. White Sage is calling for connection as we move forward through The Wisdom of Uncertainty to unearth solutions together for birthing what is calling you.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with White Sage as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International Order have extra shipping on elixirs.
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International Order have extra shipping on elixirs.

Micro-Dose Plant Dieting with the mighty Oak Tree through dosing daily on a Sacred Oak Elixir. We come to listen deeply for our personal medicine around standing strong and knowing abundance. Oak asks, “Where and how do you stand in the face of rapid change? What resources have you uncovered within and without in support of this journey ahead?” We unearth new perspectives, skills, and tools for soul growth and steady pace.
Oak knows Time and as we travel on the drum into the OAK grove, OAK teaches us how to sit and be with the Essence of Time. There is an in-between place that mirrors our subterranean truths where we can truly see. OAK offers and supports initiated changes by you through choice, an understanding of your personal level of resiliency, and how to build this in the name of strength for an abundant walk forward.
Our 20+ page PDF includes instructions for making your own sacred elixir with several options. You can also choose to purchase from our apothecary below.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with OAK as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
Oak knows Time and as we travel on the drum into the OAK grove, OAK teaches us how to sit and be with the Essence of Time. There is an in-between place that mirrors our subterranean truths where we can truly see. OAK offers and supports initiated changes by you through choice, an understanding of your personal level of resiliency, and how to build this in the name of strength for an abundant walk forward.
Our 20+ page PDF includes instructions for making your own sacred elixir with several options. You can also choose to purchase from our apothecary below.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with OAK as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders have extra shipping on elixirs.

An experiential Micro-Dose Plant Diet Initiation with RUE - Ruta graveolens - through micro-dosing daily on a Sacred Rue Elixir.
RUE asks, "Can you bear the pleasure of healing?" Your personal medicine may have comfort dialed down a bit on the list. How does this land for you? RUE asks, "Where are you limping?" and "How have you dialed in pleasure or spontaneity as a healing force of sovereignty during these times?" and "What is wanting to be birthed?" We navigate the 4 Great Alienations imposed upon each of us, which actually requires a bit of knowing discomfort and knowing we are 'ok' even when we may go through periods of not feeling 'ok'. Rue asks, "How will you shake these great alienations off?" You can. You've most likely already begun. Since you chose once, you can also choose differently with the midwifing essence of RUE. Ease and pleasure are part of this medicine as we agree to the hard work.
Traveling in on the drum to RUE offers the gift of seeing how our darker emotions are teachers disguised as dark unwanted guests in our 'homes'. Squaring off to sit and feel in the body what is there and what is asking for understanding is the nourishment and softening inherent in healing well towards your personal journey with the deeply feminine medicine of RUE.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with RUE as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
RUE asks, "Can you bear the pleasure of healing?" Your personal medicine may have comfort dialed down a bit on the list. How does this land for you? RUE asks, "Where are you limping?" and "How have you dialed in pleasure or spontaneity as a healing force of sovereignty during these times?" and "What is wanting to be birthed?" We navigate the 4 Great Alienations imposed upon each of us, which actually requires a bit of knowing discomfort and knowing we are 'ok' even when we may go through periods of not feeling 'ok'. Rue asks, "How will you shake these great alienations off?" You can. You've most likely already begun. Since you chose once, you can also choose differently with the midwifing essence of RUE. Ease and pleasure are part of this medicine as we agree to the hard work.
Traveling in on the drum to RUE offers the gift of seeing how our darker emotions are teachers disguised as dark unwanted guests in our 'homes'. Squaring off to sit and feel in the body what is there and what is asking for understanding is the nourishment and softening inherent in healing well towards your personal journey with the deeply feminine medicine of RUE.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with RUE as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders have extra shipping for elixirs.

Our Self-Initiation Micro-Dose Plant Diet with guidance from Elder through micro-dosing daily together on a Sacred Elder Elixir to listen deeply for your personal medicine on your own healing that supports your ancestral healing. There is Wisdom in facing Grief & Death and Elder knows we need more cultivated support for navigating the murky waters of personal and ancestral grief. We navigate defrosting our grief into healing actions that support renewal and finding comfort in the challenges of facing these profound forces of life. Carrying grief into flow takes a community but sometimes the first steps are small and from the inside. Honoring release opens space within us. That call for change often requires the movement of grief or a good death as healing in action. Honoring Grief and Death is medicine. Elder says, "It's time. Come."
During your time with ELDER we'll:
- Tend the seeds of Elder and carry them with our composted grief into a bundle for release.
- Build a Grief & Death altar and consider a dedicated garden.
- Clear ancient stories with the help of our ancestors willing to lighten the load placed upon us through time.
- Learn the value of Grief as an art and Death as a Divine inspirational force.
- Sit with Death to address tending our own and allow our senses to wake up in full honor of this intense life-giving essence.
- Find new language, skills, and understanding for Grief & Death to support feeling the vulnerable state of our stories.
- Share Elder's herbal support for our calls to hospice care, grief tending, psychopomping, and tending as death doulas for ourselves and communities.
Instructions to make your own Sacred Elder Elixir are in the library of your PDF. You can also purchase it already made below from our apothecary.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with ELDER as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
During your time with ELDER we'll:
- Tend the seeds of Elder and carry them with our composted grief into a bundle for release.
- Build a Grief & Death altar and consider a dedicated garden.
- Clear ancient stories with the help of our ancestors willing to lighten the load placed upon us through time.
- Learn the value of Grief as an art and Death as a Divine inspirational force.
- Sit with Death to address tending our own and allow our senses to wake up in full honor of this intense life-giving essence.
- Find new language, skills, and understanding for Grief & Death to support feeling the vulnerable state of our stories.
- Share Elder's herbal support for our calls to hospice care, grief tending, psychopomping, and tending as death doulas for ourselves and communities.
Instructions to make your own Sacred Elder Elixir are in the library of your PDF. You can also purchase it already made below from our apothecary.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with ELDER as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders require extra shipping for elixirs.

BIRCH is known as "The Lady of The Woods" and provides food, clothing, shelter, warmth, and medicine. Birch is a pioneer species meaning she is the first to show up after devastation, fires, soil disturbances and CHANGE. Birch takes root and grows fast to provide structure and support in response to a rapidly changing environment. Lady BIRCH knows the art and skill of dropping in quickly, holding steady, attunement, and knowing when to recede or become unseen that defines a skilled edgewalker who can move between worlds. Knowing how to drop deeply into different worlds, sometimes on a moments notice, only to return to that edge where we watch, restore if need be, and see far in many directions is one of the many potent aspects of BIRCH Tree Medicine.
BIRCH is midwife to our inner "Dreamer' and our "Task-Master' (or "Doer") becoming allies. Trying to walk between these two worlds can put us at war with ourselves. The Dreamer in us may thwart our efforts to be practical, realistic, and disciplined. The Doer, the practical side of ourselves may squash our dreams, declaring them impossible before we even have a chance to explore their potential. Thus it's easy to get stuck at some point in the cycle that turns desire into action and action into satisfaction, service, connection, and joy. We can become disillusioned, stop dreaming and bury our desires, even stunt our growth as we retract from this edge of existence. BIRCH midwives us through The Dreamer & The Doer connecting and learning to work together.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with BIRCH as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
BIRCH is midwife to our inner "Dreamer' and our "Task-Master' (or "Doer") becoming allies. Trying to walk between these two worlds can put us at war with ourselves. The Dreamer in us may thwart our efforts to be practical, realistic, and disciplined. The Doer, the practical side of ourselves may squash our dreams, declaring them impossible before we even have a chance to explore their potential. Thus it's easy to get stuck at some point in the cycle that turns desire into action and action into satisfaction, service, connection, and joy. We can become disillusioned, stop dreaming and bury our desires, even stunt our growth as we retract from this edge of existence. BIRCH midwives us through The Dreamer & The Doer connecting and learning to work together.
A self-initiation PDF + Access to our self-study area is available. Includes 1 month of journey and content with BIRCH as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + direct support during your time.
Being an Edge-Walker with LADY BIRCH
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders require extra shipping for elixirs.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders require extra shipping for elixirs.

When we head inward and prepare for ancestral feasts and celebrations cloaked in rituals supportive of our assessing and releasing again, and again, we are intrinsically called to honor the death and renewal life cycles. Rosemary is a deep cleaning and clearing herb who delivers medicine through concentrated medicinal preparations, food, smudge, body treatments, steams, inhalation, and water therapies. Rosemary works directly with our nervous and endocrine systems in the de-calcification of the pineal and pituitary gland, thus supporting the brain's neuroplasticity qualities towards re-wiring and healing. This supports optimal brain and mind capacities for shifting our thinking and dreaming minds, adaptive gypsy hearts, and hardy souls as we develop further our 'seeing and dreaming' capabilities in connection with our Ancestors. We are moving forward during volatile, rapidly changing times. Rosemary embodies staggeringly delicious and intense volatile oils delivered straight to the brain and mind. This steady presence supports us through a masterful initiation while helping us navigate in rapidly changing and intense landscapes. We are held while taking tiny doses of Rosemary deep into our bellies. We travel inward on voice, rattle and drum to a Rosemary sanctuary for connection, healing, and dreaming. Rosemary teaches us ease and leaning forward to our future by looking back and leaning on where we've come from with our healthy working Ancestors as we learn to dream more.
Includes 1 month of journey and content with Rosemary as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + 6 weeks of aftercare
Includes 1 month of journey and content with Rosemary as video, audio, and PDF written work, a huge supportive library with elixir making options, 4 Video Healing Sessions, Medicinal Plant Profile, + 6 weeks of aftercare
ROSEMARY & Dreaming with Our Ancestors
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders require extra shipping for elixirs.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions. International orders require extra shipping for elixirs.

We connect to the World Tree in search of vision and inspiration, Spiritus Mundi, with REISHI as our guide. Spiritus Mundi reflects the collective soul of the universe containing the memories of all time. From Spiritus Mundi' the Soul of the Universe, comes all inspiration.
REISHI knows the way and vibration of inspiration with heart connection and also knows that 'to seek' requires energy. However, there is this immeasurable essence within the weaving of any ‘quest’ that affirms our agreement and knowledge of what will be asked of us in the name of foundational restoration. This is what we seek and need for the journey ahead. The connection to essence. Restoration at the very root or core of who we are. RESIHI embodies this essence of quiet steady work that feeds. We‘ll emerge feeling different, restored, connected, and inspired.
We'll be walking among the trees this month together, as REISHI has for millions of years. Each of us will be paired with a 'personal Sacred Tree' that REISHI reveals as we work through our resistance to unfold and naturally infuse with the inspirations of 'Spiritus Mundi', the collective soul of the universe through your unique connection with your tree as we connect to the World Tree.
Our space is open with a large supportive library for you too. The Sacred Reishi Elixir offered is optional and instructions are given to make your own medicine if called.
The pace is designed for one month of teachings from REISHI, 3 days per week, but is self-paced so you can move at what is comfortable for you and inspired by REISHI. Includes sequential content with 4 Healing Sessions woven in + aftercare material for integration. With the 4 Healing Sessions with REISHI there are recorded live-zoom ritual sessions, a huge supportive library for self care + recipe ideas to support your clean and simple eating suggestions + aftercare integration.
REISHI knows the way and vibration of inspiration with heart connection and also knows that 'to seek' requires energy. However, there is this immeasurable essence within the weaving of any ‘quest’ that affirms our agreement and knowledge of what will be asked of us in the name of foundational restoration. This is what we seek and need for the journey ahead. The connection to essence. Restoration at the very root or core of who we are. RESIHI embodies this essence of quiet steady work that feeds. We‘ll emerge feeling different, restored, connected, and inspired.
We'll be walking among the trees this month together, as REISHI has for millions of years. Each of us will be paired with a 'personal Sacred Tree' that REISHI reveals as we work through our resistance to unfold and naturally infuse with the inspirations of 'Spiritus Mundi', the collective soul of the universe through your unique connection with your tree as we connect to the World Tree.
Our space is open with a large supportive library for you too. The Sacred Reishi Elixir offered is optional and instructions are given to make your own medicine if called.
The pace is designed for one month of teachings from REISHI, 3 days per week, but is self-paced so you can move at what is comfortable for you and inspired by REISHI. Includes sequential content with 4 Healing Sessions woven in + aftercare material for integration. With the 4 Healing Sessions with REISHI there are recorded live-zoom ritual sessions, a huge supportive library for self care + recipe ideas to support your clean and simple eating suggestions + aftercare integration.
Journey To The World Tree with REISHI
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions AND you can buy the Sacred REISHI Elixir separately too.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions AND you can buy the Sacred REISHI Elixir separately too.

Connection, cooperation, clarity, and communication are at the forefront of the tiniest little rays of light and sunshine that emanates from this gentle yet fiercely penetrating flower we know as CALENDULA. Come sit in circle as we honor CALENDULA as a teacher of boundaries through the increasing presence of the DIVINE FEMININE. These micro-dose plant diets are designed to engage you and CALENDULA, OUR TEACHER, while within your beautiful daily life to assist with the skills of connection and healing, evolution and laying down of that which is too heavy and not yours. We are the patient and the healer. CALENDULA is our teacher of this and is pure magic, fiercely compassionate, and works deeply within the soul of who we are. Welcome.
Our space is open with a large supportive library for you too. The Sacred CALENDULA Elixir offered is optional and instructions are given to make your own medicine if called.
The pace is designed for one month of teachings from CALENDULA, 3 days per week, but is self-paced so you can move at what is comfortable for you and inspired by CALENDULA. Includes sequential content with 4 Healing Sessions woven in + aftercare material for integration. With the 4 Healing Sessions with CALENDULA there are recorded live-zoom ritual sessions, a huge supportive library for self care + recipe ideas to support your clean and simple eating suggestions + aftercare integration.
Our space is open with a large supportive library for you too. The Sacred CALENDULA Elixir offered is optional and instructions are given to make your own medicine if called.
The pace is designed for one month of teachings from CALENDULA, 3 days per week, but is self-paced so you can move at what is comfortable for you and inspired by CALENDULA. Includes sequential content with 4 Healing Sessions woven in + aftercare material for integration. With the 4 Healing Sessions with CALENDULA there are recorded live-zoom ritual sessions, a huge supportive library for self care + recipe ideas to support your clean and simple eating suggestions + aftercare integration.
Boundaries & The Solar Feminine with CALENDULA
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions AND you can buy the Sacred CALENDULA Elixir separately too.
FEE: 30% Discount $69
Thank you. Regular Price $99
Includes make-your-own elixir instructions AND you can buy the Sacred CALENDULA Elixir separately too.