MHC #67 - Sitting with HAZEL Tree
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Monthly Herbal Councils: #67 – HAZEL TREE - 13 Trees in 13 Moons Series for 2022 - Monthly Herbal Councils @ ElderMoon School
Come with tea, journal/notebook, and whatever you need for undistracted time together as we sit with magical and ancient master tree teachers.
We'll meet this month to sit with HAZEL Tree – our 11th master teacher in the series who embodies inspiration, protection, abundance, and prophetic seeing and knowing.
Bring your stories, experience, knowledge, curiosity, and child-like wonder. We’ll talk of the medicine, food, folk lore, magic, harvesting techniques, botany, and more. We end with a guided tree meditation together.
All levels of skill are welcomed. Recording available immediately after purchase.
Thank you, Jen