MHC#53 - DATURA | Sitting With A Seer
Monthly Herbal Council #53 @ ElderMoon School - DATURA | Sitting With A Seer
We all know with a single inquiry in any direction, through any avenue, what lands in our lap when we tap in with DATURA - Moon Flower. There's mystery, magic and many woven-in warnings for us to bring our full presence and compassionately honest heart to working with this plant. Labeled as toxic and having the ability to alter our brain, the test is to search ourselves for why we feel the pull, or even a bit of nervousness, to sitting with Datura. Be clear. Remember your birthright. And remember, a little bit of 'poison' has proven again, and again, to be a very beautiful and potent kind of medicine when well-timed with full attention and intention.
We'll sit with DATURA Ceremonially as we discuss the medicine, preparation, flower essence, growth and shamanic backstory into oracular visioning. We'll settle down to our common ground of presence and peace where we can learn to connect to DATURA, while offering gifts and learning from a master teacher.
WHEN: Wednesday 9/22 @1200 NOON EST - recorded and archived to our library for council members.
A PDF will be sent immediately upon purchase with a recording link to the council + our plant profile. Thank you, Jen