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- IMBOLC 2021 - Seed Blessing & Prayer Pots For Earth Ritual
IMBOLC 2021 - Seed Blessing & Prayer Pots For Earth Ritual
IMBOLC 2021 Seed blessing and prayer pots for Earth Ritual - Zoom link sent in PDF upon registration.
Seeing in the Dark - Stirring Within Near the ONE WHO KNOWS
Yes yes, there is the New Year shift with resolutions and more that, to be honest, I often sleep through as this date that is more of a mid-way point to natural cyclic Holy Days of time and place on the sweet Earth (smile).
It's right about now with IMBOLC coming that we really begin to feel the stirrings of the new. IMBOLC embodies the smaller gestures that make the lasting ripples for the year that widen, like a wave, with time. Simple feasts. Pulling our beloveds close to remind each other of a love we share with no agenda. We unfold a little into deeply rooted honoring practices that acknowledge and affirm belonging and togetherness as we face the doorway or portal to our new year ahead, together. IMBOLC calls for us to honor the power of simplicity.
It's all about visioning at IMBOLC - receiving insights and stirrings within our deep slumber of the psyche as we pan-out for a wide angle view of the year ahead. There is a wise inner old one in each of us who knows , SHE WHO KNOWS, and as protective grandmother healer, she stirs the ashes and coals of the year just past and shows us the work we've come through. What was beautiful and obvious and what was hard yet laced with lessons and beauty too.
SHE WHO KNOWS says, "see here" as she nudges a barely burning coal. "And look at this over here. What do you see here?", as she provides a view much like a reading as we ready for another go at it all.
What are you dreaming up and being asked to step into that can no longer wait? The world needs this. What if it seems too big? What if it seems too small? What if we're unsure of how to make it happen? What if it doesn't seem on point with what we THINK we should be doing to help with all this chaos right now?
I feel this too. We are seeing the leaving of so many people from this realm. We all feel this even if we do not speak of it or wish things backward or forward. Systems are changing. It looks like industries crumbing, casualties everywhere, and more as we try to steady ourselves, find common ground together, and receive insight of what needs to be.
We lay these questions down for now.
It's still Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. We're prescribed the medicine of 'dream more, call vision, and have faith'. The answers and the opportunities to make things happen will come. Even when the world looks like it's shimmying out of control, solutions come and paths to growth open. They always do. Efficient and wise energy restoration and output, yes, this is the task ahead for us as we stir and attempt to rise this Spring, just as the plants do.
But not yet. We still take it slow for now. We rest, nourish, and restore.
Enjoying Imbolc means we keep resting and dreaming together. We stir in our slumber as SHE WHO KNOWS stirs the coals and ash for us. Join me for an honoring ritual of journeying exploration into the Soul of IMBOLC, called the Mid-Winter Ceremony by other traditions, as we stir a bit, align and restore from our sequestered nests and gather up the seeds swollen with life that are longing to shimmy, crack, and take root with you.
Items To Gather:
- Beautiful Time - 60-75min of ritual healing time for yourself.
- Smudge, mist, rattle, or drum, lit candle for energy clearing.
- Warm Tea or drink of choice, blanket - comfort needs.
- Small square of repurposed hardy paper or cloth about 5x5 inches or 13x13cm with a little string
- (Optional) 3oz. piece of clay. Any clay will work. I will demo making a Prayer Pot for Earth.
- Journal + pen, pencil. Stories to bless the year ahead as we stir the ashes of Winter to find and speak gratitude.
- Seeds - Dried Herbs - Corn Meal - Natural Beads - any nature item you love and can plant, cast, or bury into the wild with prayers.
WHEN: Wednesday Evening 2/3/2021 booked in ZOOM 6:00-7:30pm EST
We meet even if you don't have all the items. You can gather them after, watch the recording again if you like, or complete as a devotional practice between you and Earth later in your own sweet time. Imbolc is longer than1 day. It is a few weeks of honoring the return of the Sun.
One hour-ish of honoring as we turn to the SUN, stir, and tease the non-ordinary forward from the ordinary.
May we sit together during IMBOLC. Join us. All ElderMoon patron levels are invited and the link is in your feed at your level.
One-time entry without membership is available HERE at the ElderMoon website
Much Love and Thank You, Jen